The first thing I thought when I saw this illustration on an elementary school wall: WHY?
Why did the artist portray the uplifted hand on the left, in this particular way?

The "El Diablo" hand sign often is confused with the deaf hand signal of the phrase, "I love you." While at first this appears an odd resemblance, we register an "ahh, I get it!" emotion when we discover that the person who invented, or created, the hand sign system for the deaf, Helen Keller, was herself an occultist and Theosophist. Did Keller purposely design the deaf's "I love you" sign to be such a remarkable imitation of the classic sign of Satan? Was Keller saying, basically, "I love you, Devil?"
The Theosophical Society was officially formed in New York City, United States, on 17 November 1875 by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Colonel Henry Steel Olcott, William Quan Judge, and others. It was self-described as "... an unsecterian body of seekers after Truth, who endeavour to promote Brotherhood and strive to serve humanity." --Wikipedia
Blavatsky was a witch. By that we mean, she practiced actual witchcraft, and there are accounts of wonders she performed before the eyes of others. Theosophy: That's the name of the group Helen Keller was linked with.
Keller helped a lot of people, and her admirers don't want to hear anything negative. (Always true of our 'heroes.') But is it a coincidence that her universally accepted sign for love matches the representation of Satan? Of course not.

This sign is everywhere in our pop culture today. All you have to do is keep saying or doing something over and over, and eventually it becomes reality. It becomes tradition and harmless, acceptable to children that don't know any other 'reality.'
Many of those children have grown up to display the Baphomet hand sign at concerts and in other situations to show approval. They have no idea that they are paying homage to a being that hates humankind.
If you know Satan exists, you know he delights in capturing our kids. Their minds are like sponges...everyone acknowledges that.
But what are they soaking up?
Horned Hand or The Mano Cornuto:
This gesture is the Satanic salute, a sign of recognition between and allegiance of members of Satanism or other unholy groups.
Notice the winged female's hands. Not only is she performing this salute to the devil, but doing an "as above, so below" with her arms.
This issue was part of a story run in the comic book, X-Men, in 2001. Now the main writer was a man named Grant Morrison, a proud occultist/witch. Check for yourself.
Further reading:
Symbology in advertising
Helen Keller was Swedenborgian - nothing 'bad' about that.
ReplyDeleteThere is no Satan!
"Light in My Darkness" is a book, originally published in 1927 as "My Religion", written by Helen Keller when she was 47 years old. The book was written as a tribute to Emanuel Swedenborg whom Helen regarded as "one of the noblest champions true Christianity has ever known."... Swedenborg rejected the Protestant doctrine of salvation through faith alone, since he considered both faith and charity necessary for salvation, not one without the other... therefore, being Swedenborgian is indeed 'bad' according to the Holy Bible. Do your research, my friend.
DeleteAnd Satan does exist.